High School

TexQuest is a digital sharing program administered by the Texas Library and Archive Commission. The consortium is funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services., As a participating partner, La Porte ISD Technology Services Department provides all employees and students access to authoritative, rich, and robust resources offered in TexQuest. Below are the links for the High School resources available.

Enciclopedia básica con articulos, videos, y atros materiales de aprendizaje.
Auténtica enciclopedia en español para estudiantes de secundaria.
Encyclopedia articles, multimedia, and primary sources.
Practice tests and resources for college and career exploration.
Videos and other multi-media resources for classrooms.
Multimedia resources about books used in the K-12 environment.
News, magazines, and websites for K-8.
A search platform unlike any other.
Academic articles, videos, experiments, and more.
Signed essays on 2,000 authors and genres from the acclaimed print series.
In-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world within the context of the time period in which they lived.
Information on high school research topics plus pop culture, sports, and more.
Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos.
An engaging student experience merges magazines, news, multimedia and more.
Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.
Authoritative automotive repair covers the most popular vehicles of the past 30 years.
Multimedia coverage of environmental issues, including health care and climate change.
Magazine, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events.
Health-focused magazines, reference, video, and more.
Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.
Literary works, biographies, images and much more for the lit student.
Regional, national, and world newspapers.
Complete source for peer-reviewed scholarly articles across all academic disciplines.
Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues.

For more information on how to access these great resources, please contact your Librarian for more details.